Tasks panel in the dashboard
Kestutis Vansavicius avatar
Written by Kestutis Vansavicius
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard now features an integrated tasks panel to help you track your tasks and manage them more efficiently.

To access the tasks panel, look for the arrow button near the calendar and use it to expand or collapse the panel as needed. Once expanded, you will see a list of all tasks from the task lists you are a member of.

Each task item in the list includes important details such as its status, name, priority, the user responsible, due date, and the task list it belongs to. This information will help you quickly assess which tasks require your attention and prioritize your work accordingly.
Currently, tasks are sorted by their priority status (๐Ÿ”ด Urgent, ๐ŸŸ  High, ๐ŸŸก Medium, ๐ŸŸข Low).


To add a new task, first, select the task list you want to add it to (either 'My Tasks' or any team task list). Then, type in the name of the new task:

As you complete tasks, they will disappear from the tasks panel. However, you can still access a complete list of your tasks by clicking on the "Tasks" button in the sidebar menu.


To read about private and team task lists in more detail, take a look at the following articles:

We hope this new feature will help you stay organized and productive in your work. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected] ๐Ÿ˜Š.

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