Personal task list
Kestutis Vansavicius avatar
Written by Kestutis Vansavicius
Updated over a week ago

Things move at a fast clip at Daymi, and we’re excited to tell you about our newest feature – a personal task list!

Get rid of your sticky notes and quickly add every little thing that crosses your mind – to-dos, ideas, work-related tasks and more – without leaving Daymi! 🤗

‘Pick up kids from school’, ‘send report with last years Performance Fee’ or any ‘one-off report to Fund Manager’, put it on your list ✍🏼

Nothing is too big or small! Your task list can be accessed from the sidebar menu.

No one else can see or touch tasks in this list (notice the padlock 🔒).

Started to work on the task? Change the status to in progress.

Another subsequent click would change it to done.

You can also sort your tasks by status so it is easier to track your progress by clicking the column header (same applies to 'Priority' and 'Due date').

The calendar allows us to fall back and reflect on any day back. Navigate to any historical date to find finished items (every unfinished task will keep going forward with each day until it is finished) ⏪

Team task lists sound interesting? Check this article! 😃

We are also very grateful for any feedback you might have. Let us know what you think⭐

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